Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My brainwaves are officially stimulated

Not much to report since yesterday, but liking getting into the habit of blogging each day, so, here I am anyway. Having come across some great meditation mp3s, I've started taking 10 minutes out of my day to meditate at work. The rooftop didn’t work out so well last time, so I’m confining myself to a dark empty room instead, and it’s nice. I’ve discovered these binaural sound recordings which are supposed to stimulate specific brainwaves or something, and they are timed at exactly 10 minutes. I’m an aural creature and this works for me. If I can concentrate on sound and let my external thoughts pass through, I’m halfway there. I think it was the most successful session I’ve had so far, which is surprising considering my surroundings, but my anxieties were actually lessened. It actually worked. Maybe there were other extenuating circumstances towards me feeling less like committing some heinous crime in my office today as well, but any small step forward is a good one. Note to self: plan your mp3s better so that Led Zeppelin doesn’t come on immediately after the soothing voice stops. I’m not sure meditation experts would recommend the opening riff of “Immigrant Song” as a particularly effective way of ending the session.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of those binaural tracks. I was thinking of giving them a try, and now I just might.

    Some people actually meditate TO The Immigrant Song.
