Saturday, September 18, 2010

Zoom zoom - Mach III

Things I learnt from driving lesson #3:

1. Marrickville is mental.
2. The clutch doesn't need to go in every single time you use the brake. Wow! This makes pulling into curbs, slowing behind other cars, etc a whole lot easier.
3. Reverse parking: line up your mirror with the car in front. Look for your 45 degree angle marker by aligning something with the end of your wing mirror. Do a full rotation of the wheel. Back up. There was some other stuff but I've forgotten it now. So basically I can do half of a reverse park.
4. Commentating myself is helpful when I would otherwise forget what gear I'm in. "Two to three. Three to four. Four to three. Crap, what gear am I in?" The answer is three.

Apparently I am improving! That's what my instructor says anyway, and is reassuring since I felt pretty downhearted just before the lesson. Best gear changes so far. Only 2 stalls. Too many yellow lights. Busier traffic. More jerks on the road beeping their horns and cutting me off. So this is driving, eh?

Meanwhile, I've got some vegetables roasting in the oven and I don't feel very confident about them. Please be ok, little vegetables. Please be ok.

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