Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yap yap yap

So I bought plane tickets to Hobart yesterday, meaning that “Dee’s Mad Bad Dash & Splash” is locked in for the first weekend of February next year. Kat, the harbinger of this challenge, has decreed that Ben is not allowed to come (sorry Ben). This is an adventure for three ladies, and three ladies alone: best friends since leaving their respective regional towns and converging in the university housing of the ‘big city’ back in 2000. In our ten years together, when was the last time we had a road trip, just the three of us? Well, frankly, never. And that’s just ridiculous.

So, we’ll be landing in Tasmania on a Friday morning, travelling to the gloriousness that is sure to be the Dee River, and following it to the wondrous Dee Lagoon. We hope. For all we know, it could be a swamp. Oh, no it’s ok, I just googled it. Apparently a lot of trout fishing goes on there. Sustainable life! High five!

I spoke to Mel on the phone last night and she was all:
“Wow, so we’re really going to Tasmania! It’s actually happening!”
“Of course it’s actually happening,” I said, “Were you not expecting it to?”
“Well… no. You know how we say we’re going to do things, and then they never happen?”
I thought about it. “No. Other people say they’re going to do things, and then they never happen. I actually do things.”

Fortunately, she had to concur this was true. But it was enough to give me steel. I pride myself on the follow through. If my own best friend wasn’t expecting this to come to fruition, does that mean that people aren’t taking me seriously? Because that would kind of explain a few things. I felt resentful. I put my ‘tough little dog’ face on and mentally yapped. I will complete 29 challenges! I WILL! Yap yap yap! Grrrr! Yap yap!

To illustrate this, here is a picture I drew of myself as a tough little dog. I also drew myself as a placid, slightly uncertain dog (above) for the fun of contrast.


  1. Your dog pics are awesome dude.

    You are...D-Dawg.

    Hmmm it seems I have to be anonymous. Guess who?

  2. Hi Bentley. I would never actually have guessed it was you (I'm sure there is a way to not be anonymous?) but my statcounter tells me secrets such as these. Mwahaha. (it is, right?)

  3. Your statcounter is wrong...Sometimes it's better to go with your gut!

  4. Ok. I think it's Jaichi then.

  5. I guess that is why you are my best friend then....cause in this world there are two kinds of people. People who talk about doing things, and people who get things done. You are a doer, and it is what I love about you! And if your challenge inspires more of us to do the things we always talk about, then for that alone you have changed all of our lives.
    :) Mel. p.s wish I was more clever with internet stuff and could draw a cute picture to go with this post.

  6. heh - can we do a picture of a wet dog after you jump in the lagoon?
