Saturday, September 18, 2010


It's nearly the 22nd of the month, and what does that mean, people? It means that I freak out and have to write a song really quickly.

I used to listen to Adam & Joe (but I listened to the podcast, not the live show... etc), who do a radio show on BBC Radio 6 Music and are a little bit hilarious. They have a segment called Songwars, in which they have a week to write a song about a particular subject and then the 2 songs face-off against each other for the listener's votes. Generally the songs are crazy Garageband experiments. I thought this might be a good approach to take onboard for the 'songs about challenges' challenge.

I thought wrong.

This is by far the most ridiculous piece of music I've ever constructed. It's about cooking. Enjoy...

Sausages by duskerdee

Cook 'em up
Fry 'em down
Fry 'em up
Cook 'em down
Cook 'em up
Fry 'em down
Fry 'em up
Cook 'em down

You are not brown enough
You are not brown enough
You are not brown enough
You are not brown enough


  1. I think this post could read: "Sausages feat. Erykah Badu"
