Thursday, September 9, 2010

I can count to ten

We're off to the country tomorrow for a long weekend of eating my Mum's food, seeing some pregnant ladies, and hopefully wrestling with some dogs on Tracey's farm. It's a bit of a technology dead zone out there so I will not be posting any blogs until Monday. Don't cry! Here's a picture from the archives of childhood amazingness (in preparation for my scrapbooking adventures) to tide you over:

I got a typewriter for my 5th birthday. Is that weird? I didn't know what was inside the package and I picked it up and immediately dropped it on my knee because it was so fricking heavy. Because it was a typewriter. Given to a 5 year old. Incentally, I did love that typewriter after I got past the bruising. As you can see, it spawned the beginning of an outpouring of literary works - after "i can count to ten" there was also the classic "i love my nanna and poppa", but I don't want to peak too soon by giving too much away here.

There was also a drawing of Rainbow Brite waving an Australian flag (?!) on the other side of the page that you can see there too. MAD SKILLZ!!!


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