Monday, April 11, 2011

The Amazing Race!

The Australian version of The Amazing Race is finally going to air next week, so I think it's pretty safe to assume that we didn't make it onto the show, then.

This is why.

In our defence, it was 3am and we couldn't figure out how to put the photographs the right way up. Also, we had underestimated just how damned interesting we are and so were forced to cull this from about 11 minutes worth of us talking shit incredible footage to fit the 3 minute brief.


  1. Holy cow, I would have TOTALLY picked that! Makes me wonder what the selected applicant's videos were like!

    What did you say right before Jaimi said "that will make interesting viewing." You get very quiet - "together we make"...???

    Send the video to SBS and maybe you will get a talk show out of it.

  2. The single mothers will be slightly boggen? What does that mean?
