Friday, April 1, 2011

Stay awesome, LCD Soundsystem.

Just because I know I won't have time to do a proper blog tomorrow, here's a video commemorating the fact that LCD Soundsystem will be playing their last gig. Ever. It makes me a bit sad when I think too much about it. So I won't think too much about it.

My last day working with them was almost 3 years ago to the day, at Le Bataclan in Paris. Apparently I was in Paris. I didn't see any of Paris. But everyone was speaking French, so I must have been somewhere in the vicinity. It was a rushed day, and James was throwing away his tour shoes, so I asked him to give them to me and I'd see how much I could sell them for at the merch desk (the answer was 2 euros). In Barcelona a few days earlier, the band had let me play with them during soundcheck which was fricking cool. It was the repeated piano part for a track called "All My Friends". That night in Paris, they started playing it, and I suddenly remembered they were leaving for New York, and I wasn't able to go with them, and I'd have to go back to my crummy little flat in London that I'd not even lived in yet, and I dissolved into a complete sobfest. It might have been considered pathetic, if only Amos the tour manager had not appeared out of nowhere that very moment and gave me a huge hug while they performed it. And when it finished, they all waved and yelled at me from the stage and hollered that they loved me, in front of 1500 sweaty French punk ravers. I stood on the merch table and bowed.

This was that song.

1 comment:

  1. you have opened my eyes to the amazingness. And the clip for drunk girls is my all time favourite clip. Did your wrist hurt after that song finished? that's a chronic part
