Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Old skool

I've got some postcard cramming to do in the next week. You may notice my 'creative flare' may decrease more as my desperation kicks in... it just happens that the next five are people from my early (and ongoing) years...

Rondalyn & Kimberly

Mum & Dad


Sister Eileen Mary


It's a good thing my parents wouldn't know the internet if it crawled into their kitchen and made itself a cup of tea, because they would be freaking out if they knew I'd posted their photo on it (even if it is circa 1982).


  1. Brilliant photo! Okay what was the play? or was it a wedding we never heard about???

  2. It was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Yes, I was married at the ripe old age of 8 years old. It didn't work out though. Prince Charming was too busy stomping on ants in the playground.

  3. And catching and kissing other girls, then getting cooties! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww
