Monday, February 14, 2011

As a small aside...

...I wanted to say that LCD Soundsystem are now even more amazing than previously stated. They announced not so long ago that they are breaking up (really, this time. James told me in 2007 that they probably weren't going to tour again. Then they pretty much toured non-stop for the three years preceding that conversation. Which was awesome and I'm stoked they did. But now they're not any more. Fo' reals. It sucks. But, you know, good for them). So they announced a Last Gig Ever at Madison Square Garden (?!?) in NYC and it sold out in, like, minus time. Except then ticket scalpers started trying to charge thousands of dollars for tickets. THOUSANDS.

Anyways they've announced some more shows in the lead up to try and bring prices down and generally do the right thing by their fans. It's super noble. You can tell the whole thing has pained them. I read their blogs sometimes and James' voice reminds me that they were my friends before I knew they were famous people, because he writes exactly the way he talks. It got weird when I came back to the real world and suddenly saw them in context (or out of context, depending on how you look at it). And now they're selling out Madison Square Garden. Holy shit.

I'm sad there will be no LCD after April. But I am blessed to have shared their world for what was arguably the three coolest weeks of my life, when it could have just been 'another thing I did overseas' and potentially just another job. I did other tours. They weren't like that one. They just weren't.

Oh, and they're going to be on Colbert tonight (!!) so you should definitely watch it.

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