Friday, May 20, 2011

Tick tock!

So Ben has gone into "holiday training". He's riding his bike loads, swimming during his lunch breaks, and wearing in his new skateboard like a bucketful of gnar. Also, he is doing loads of writing, which is spectacular - I think that me being away most nights selling t-shirts helps.

Yes, it's me, the disappointment you've all been waiting for. I'm 8 songs behind, the band never played in Bathurst (and now the Buckleys have moved to Scone, so the challenge is kind of moot anyway), schools were harder things to infiltrate than first thought, I still don't have my licence, and I somehow never made it on TV.

I guess priorities changed. I still blame the pure evil that was my former workplace for this spiral of desperation and general chaos, although I wholeheartedly know that leaving was the best decision I could have made. I also blame the car for shaking any faith I had in my driving abilities and for taking all our money. Putting more energy back into the band was another factor that veered me off course for a while and took any spare change left behind the couch.

BUT ALL IS NOT LOST! There are still 62 days left. That's two whole months! That's more than 8 weeks! Loads of time...

I am still hoping to:
- Complete the Coast Track. In winter. It's going to be awful and I might get cold and cry. But it will also be a bit beautiful and maybe we will sit around a bonfire and roast marshmallows and that would be nice.
- Finish the harbour walks. According to Wikipedia, "the perimeter of the estuary is 317kms". Stupid giant harbour! If this was any other harbour I'd have seen it all by now!
- Get my break dance skillz.
- Finish my scrapbook.
- Do my Yeats artwork (I was originally planning to use a digital medium, but then I remembered I suck at that. I'm going old skool and buying me a canvas).
- Cook Heath a lasagne.

And the fundraising ball (or at least, as close as I can get to it)!! All I'm saying is, keep Friday 22nd July free, people. What better way to cap off a whole year than by celebrating the hell out of it for a good cause?

As for the in-betweens, well, we'll see how we get on. I can't afford to take a weekend trail ride, but I will take another horseriding lesson. A couple of times, it was almost like the band nearly was about to consider making a video clip. Now it's really happening, but it won't be finished in time to count. We'll have finished filming it, but editing... not so much. I've not joined a local theatre group and performed in a Shakespearean play - but I have been employed at Australia's most well regarded Shakespeare company. I can't help but think that must count for something. It has been great to be reminded of how much I dig the Bard.

I'm now secure in the knowledge that I'm employed at least until we leave for the holiday, so I can relax a little and get to meditating on all this again. Or just plain meditating.

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