You thought I'd gone, didn't you? Yes you did. Well, in a way, I did. I went to North Island NZ for a couple of weeks with Hubby-yo. It was pretty freaking awesome. Who knew that Super Mario Land was there?
So I didn't do much thinking about challenges and turning 30 and all that crap while I was over there. It was more "check out that awesome bird" and "where can I get some more wine?" and "how many more spa baths can we get away with having?" That kind of thing.
I got my craft box out this week and started gluing stuff onto bits of cardboard. I like to pretend that it signals progress. I have the same thoughts every time I hit a wall: namely that I don't have the photographs I need. Some of them I need to get from my Mum. I have a feeling it won't translate so well over the phone, so that involves writing her a letter. And if I'm going to take the time to send her something in the post, I might as well send her some photos from our holiday, since she doesn't have access to the internet or email (I say 'access' but I really mean 'inclination'. If technology was the equivalent of, say, some freakish wild animal pavillion where those with the know-how can indulge in contemporary dance pieces with tigers, my Mum would still be outside the tent hoping a bunny rabbit might hop out and give her a flower. A weird analogy, but it's Friday. Gotta celebrate the end of the week somehow). Anyway that would involve getting pictures printed. Also, many of the photos I need for the immediate project are under a house in suburban North Sydney, probably rotting. That's another story. Either way, I'm finding my 'progress' somewhere between 'just slow enough that it's kind of annoying' and 'just fast enough that I can feel good about myself'. It's a fine line.
Anyway. LCD are about to release a record and are already doing shows, so I better get that one sorted out. Smashton is about to get married. Some of the people on my list I haven't even managed to track down yet. Some of the photos are lost. This postcard thing is sketchy at best. And it is a bit sad that I don't even have any photos of myself with some of these people. Like, how did I get through so much of my life without having my photo taken with Ronda and Kim? It's strange.