Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Brain: Well, here we are again. You should probably write something and post it this time.

Mouth: Yeah, well.

Brain: Stuff has happened, you know.

Mouth: Yeah, I know.

Brain: So, what, that's it? Look at you. Sitting here with your porridge-encrusted bowl and half-empty glass of juice. You're pathetic. Even the Wii thinks so. He told me you've not done your 'My Routine' workout for 34 days.

Mouth: ... Shut up.

Brain: Here's the drill, cumquat. You're going to apply for a couple of jobs this morning. Then write a blog. A proper one. Then if you're doing really well, you could write something vaguely resembling a song.

Mouth: But--

Brain: HUP! I don't want to hear it. The fact that I'm your brain and this is an entirely internal monologue is not relevant. Shhh.


  1. you can see who wears the pants in this relationship. your brain wears the pants, cumquat.

  2. Nothing like the judgement of Wii to spur your slumbering will into action ;)

  3. I thought I was the only one who heard voices.
