Friday, February 18, 2011


I sat down to try and write a song yesterday, and dogged as my pursuit was, it turns out I'd run out of things to say. Odd, because I seem to have too much to say (of little interest) most of the time. I guess it's a collaborative thing - when provided with a something to build on (ie. music), part of your job is to slot together something that fits (ie. melody and lyrics). Otherwise it's like we're doing two different jigsaw puzzles, except Jacob's is of a zebra and mine is of a hippopotamus. It doesn't work. Unless they were made in the same factory with the exact same shapes cut out of it. Then I suppose they'd fit together ok. You'd just get a weird animal at the end.

Spending two hours aimlessly noodling didn't feel very productive, so I decided to make a start on Karen's climate change piece. I also signed up with 1 Million Women. You should too, provided you have the necessary genitalia. They run a campaign for inspiring women to take small, personal steps towards reducing carbon emissions, and give you hints on things you can change in your life towards making this happen. Each woman needs a minimum goal of reducing 1 tonne of CO2 and the site calculates your tally for you as you tick things off. While filling out my profile I realise that we are already running a fairly good household for emissions - we ride our bikes and use public transport, we recycle everything, switch stuff off at powerpoints, avoid using plastic bags, cut out one day a week of meat consumption. I suppose like everyone, it's about making those extra changes. Taking shorter showers. That kind of thing.

Anyway so I'm about halfway through a song about it. It's an effort to stay on the right side of preachy or naff and still be relevant. I don't want to make it too abstract but I don't want to be all "yeeeah so save the forests, pandas are dying wooooo" either. It's called 'Every Century' and hopefully I'll get some audio of it up soon. 1 Million Women already have a theme song but I think I'll 'donate' my song to them anyways and see if they're into it.

Oh, and the fundraising ball. Totally. Happening. Watch this space.

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