Tuesday, March 2, 2010

OK, you know what?

Here's the thing - finding 29 people who made a huge impact on your life is really HARD. I would say most people can come up with a solid 5 or 6, and could stretch it out to 10 or 15 if they think all the way back. But after that, it gets pretty fuzzy. It reminds me a bit of trying to organise our wedding invitation list. Where do you draw the line? And what constitutes an 'influence'? All of my friends have held some kind of sway on things, I would imagine, it just depends on how largely the resulting decisions reflect on my life as a whole. Maybe I won't even know how much influence they hold until the friendship has run its course. Am I cheating if I just use my friends? Well, no. Surely not. Because things would be different if it weren't for these people. It makes my head hurt, a little bit.

I could bulk it out with rock stars or other pseudo-celebrities that had an effect on me growing up, but realistically they are not going to respond. THAT feels more like cheating.

Work is busy right now, and I'm trying to organise some gigs for the band. I'm going on holiday in just less than 3 weeks - super exciting. We get back at Easter so I want to be prepared to go on this come April. I know that means getting my shit together, but sleeping is so much more appealing just now...

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